Understanding the Windows file system link

The Windows file system link connects the Publisher to Windows file system folders. The link includes the BlueCielo File Publishing Service that can be installed on one or more file servers. The service can be configured to monitor one or more folders (and subfolders recursively) on the local computer and to associate a publishing job with each folder. The folders can be shared on the network for easy access by users. At a specified interval, the service automatically detects any documents that have been added to the folders and registers them with the associated publishing jobs. After registering the documents, the BlueCielo File Publishing Service moves the files (and subfolders) to a source folder on the Meridian Enterprise Server computer from which they are published to the destination system. This link creates folders in the destination file system, if necessary.

This link is ideal for organizations that have another enterprise system in which released documents need to be available, for example, an extranet or an enterprise knowledge management system.

When used as a source system, the document properties to be published can be specified in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. When used as a destination system, the published properties can be saved in an XML file or in a database table.

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Installing components on a Windows file server

Configuring the BlueCielo File Publishing Service

Running the BlueCielo File Publishing Service